Donate today — help us raise another £4k

The risk of nuclear war has never been higher – we must not let history be repeated


Dear Friend,


We need to raise another £4k for our Hiroshima appeal this year.


Can you help with a small donation to CND, so we can campaign effectively this autumn?


The possibility of experiencing another Hiroshima or Nagasaki has never been greater. It is imperative that we redouble our efforts for nuclear disarmament.

The drawing above, by Hiroshima survivor Yoshinori Kato, depicts an injured child trapped in the rubble of a fallen school. A few badly injured teachers managed to crawl out, but the school burned before any of the students could be rescued.


Let this be a stark reminder of the horrors that are brought by nuclear bombs — we must never let this happen again. 

Terrifyingly, we are now living at a time when history could be repeated. If the war in Ukraine expands into a direct conflict between NATO and Russia, the use of nuclear weapons will become a likelihood rather than a possibility. And as the war in Gaza continues, and tensions rise in the Middle East, the risk of nuclear use is increasing rapidly there too. 


The need for CND has never been more urgent — unless we take action we may well face the horrors of another atomic bomb. 


Please give whatever you can. We are so grateful for every donation, however large or small.

In peace,

Kate Hudson

General Secretary


IMAGE: © Artist: Yoshinori Kato, Collection of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Copyright © 2024 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom