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For Immediate Release

Date:         September 2, 2024
Contact:    [email protected]


NH-02 Republican Candidate Lily Tang Williams Endorsed by Second Amendment Champions

Lily Tang Williams, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District, today announced that she earned the endorsement of Second Amendment champions, including "Gun Dude" Dick Heller, who was the plaintiff in the landmark gun rights case District of Columbia v. Heller. She also earned the endorsement of five additional New Hampshire gun store owners, bringing the total gun store owners who have endorsed her campaign to 18. 

"The Right to Life and Liberty is a Right to totally defend yourself," said Gun Dude Dick Heller. "Sometimes our strongest Patriotic voices are heard from people escaping communism and living under radical oppression like our Colonial Fathers. Lily Tang Williams is one of those Patriot voices that needs to be in 'We The People' legislature. Lily is a true 2A Patriot."

"Dick Heller helped secure our Second Amendment rights against out of control government overreach that threatened our sacred right to bear arms, and I am so proud to earn his endorsement and his trust that I will do the same in Congress," said Lily Tang Williams, Republican Candidate for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. "Dick Heller and New Hampshire gun store owners know I am the most pro-Second Amendment candidate in this race. New Hampshire voters can rest assured that I will always stand strong for their constitutional rights." 

The five additional gun store owners who have endorsed Lily's campaign are: 

  • Nick D'Augustine, Milford Firearms
  • Bruce Jorgenson, Pemi Firearms
  • Shay Littlefield, Littlefield's Sport Shop
  • Jesse Smith, Norotac Tactical
  • Eric Cummings, Cummings Family Firearms

In addition to the endorsement of these Second Amendment champions, Lily Tang Williams is the only major Republican candidate in the NH-02 race to receive an "A" grade from the NRA Political Victory Fund questionnaire. 

Lily has earned the endorsement of 53 members of the New Hampshire state legislature, Gun Owners of America, US Parents Involved in Education, the New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project, and more. Find a full list of campaign endorsements on her website

About Lily Tang Williams
Lily Tang Williams, born and raised in the Peoples Republic of China, escaped to the US to seek freedom in 1988. Lily is now living the American Dream: She is a mother of three adult children, a self-employed small businesswoman, and a candidate for Congress. She has been actively campaigning in NH-02 for 15 months and has garnered 53 endorsements from NH State Legislators. Her takedown of gun control activist David Hogg at Dartmouth College went viral in April 2024. Lily’s campaign slogan is “KEEP THE AMERICAN DREAM ALIVE.”
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