Fellow American,
Rob Bresnahan Jr. is the GOP Candidate in America's most important swing race this election cycle. PA-08 – and the House Majority – is up for grabs on November 5th, and righ now Rob is LOSING. Now, we are setting an End-of-Month fundraising goal to help him catch up.
President Trump WON PA-08 in 2020. Yet, Radical Leftist, Matt Cartwright, has continued to win re-elections on the back of Deep State Democrats' dollars.
This cycle, Cartwright has already raised $5.56 MILLION, which is MORE THAN DOUBLE of what Bresnahan raised. If we can't help Rob catch up, he will LOSE this race and Republicans will be in danger of losing the House Majority.
Now, we are asking Top Patriots across the nation to chip in to help the GOP win this crucial race. If we want to defend the House Majority, it is going to take 100 percent participation from top patriots like you!
We cannot afford for Rob Bresnahan to lose. The path to controlling Washington, D.C., goes through Pennsylvania. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT with Republicans now.
Thank you,
Matt, Pennsylvania Election Alerts
PAID FOR BY ROB FOR PA PO Box 971, Pittston, PA 18640 | Copyright © 2024 Rob Bresnahan for Congress, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you are interested in updates from Rob Bresnahan, House candidate in Pennsylvania's 8th District.
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