![]() Patriot, Statists in D.C. want full and unhindered access to your bank accounts. And they are working hard behind the scenes to get their way. Their vehicle for doing so is through a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The good news is, we’re part of the way to stopping this globalist scheme. I’ll tell you more on that in a moment. Unwitting Americans who gravitate toward electronic payments don’t understand that the CBDC is a Trojan horse for massive spying on Americans’ private financial transactions. CBDCs would open the door for crackdowns on what you buy and what politics you choose to support. This is exactly why governments around the world are so anxious to implement a CBDC. Just last month, the government of The Bahamas announced they are making their CBDC, the “Sand Dollar,” mandatory. This was after a “voluntary” trial run where the vast majority of citizens rejected the scheme. And I’m sure our own government is salivating at the thought of doing the exact same thing. This should come as no surprise to you, if you’re familiar with how the forces of tyranny operate: Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile. You and I both know once they introduce the CBDC as a “choice,” it’s only a matter of time before it becomes mandatory. That’s why it’s so critical you and I DEMAND our lawmakers BAN the CBDC – and legislation to do just that is already halfway through Congress. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has come right out and said: the CBDC would be “identity verified” and “not anonymous.” Imagine the government knowing what you buy and being able to punish you for it. “Your carbon footprint is too big! You’re not using enough GREEN energy! No new truck for you!” Imagine what your “social credit score” would look like. Maybe you would be under suspicion for not taking a vaccine, having too many firearms, growing your own food, or giving money to a disfavored church or charity. Imagine the government being able to punish you based on the causes and campaigns you support. . . And then shutting down your bank account! Your Campaign for Liberty has worked to pass a ban on a CBDC in ten states and counting. Now we need to stop it at the federal level. Already, you and I and countless other patriots worked to pass H.R. 5403 – the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act – in the U.S. House earlier this year. But now it’s languishing in the U.S. Senate. And we must force it out of committee for a full floor vote! The Senate will soon return from their long summer, and when they return after Labor Day, much of their time will be scrambling to pass budget bills or face the threat of a government shutdown. In an election year fraught with scandal after scandal, some of these senators are anxious to clean up their reputations. So please take just a few seconds and sign your directive to your U.S. Senators. You and I need to turn up the heat in the last few months of this session of Congress and pass H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act now! But I hope you won’t stop there. After you’ve signed your directive, can you chip in $15, $25, or more to help us mobilize more patriots? Time is of the essence here, and I need all the help I can muster to FORCE H.R. 5403 across the finish line. Patriot, you and I need to put an end to the idea of the Spy State implementing a CBDC. Please click here to send your STOP THE CBDC directive to your U.S. Senators today and then please include your most generous donation. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. If the Federal Reserve is allowed to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency, it’s only a matter of time before they make it mandatory. The CBDC is a Trojan horse for massive spying on Americans’ private financial transactions that would open the door for crackdowns on what we buy and what politics we choose to support. Thankfully, H.R. 5403 – the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act – would bring these globalist plans to a screeching halt! You helped me pass H.R. 5403 through the U.S. House earlier this year. But now it’s languishing in the U.S. Senate. So please take just a few seconds and sign your directive to your U.S. Senators. Then, after you’ve signed your directive, can you chip in $15, $25, or more to help us mobilize more patriots? Time is of the essence, so please act NOW. Thank you for all you do! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |