Hi John,
After 6 days and 9 stops, our Care Can't Wait Bus Tour has wrapped up – but you still have one last chance to help support our care movement by signing our Care Can't Wait petition. I'll personally deliver the petitions to ABC Studios this week to make sure they know we need answers on care in next week's presidential debate!
John, can I count on you to take 3 minutes to sign the petition today? We need to show this issue has national support to make the biggest possible impact with ABC Studios. We can only do that with your help.
Sign the petition
Our economy runs on care, and our work is the work that makes all other work possible – but we need real change in our care system to support ourselves and our families. Imagine what would be possible if we weren't paying tens of thousands of dollars in care each year.
This bus tour is a movement, not a moment, and our caring majority is fighting for a better future for all of us. Signing this petition is an important step in that fight.
Add your name: Our families need lower costs for care!
As we've traveled across the country on the Care Can't Wait bus this week, I've been reminded of the incredible power of this care movement right now. That's only possible because of care activists like you who sign petitions, show up for rallies, and do everything you do for care.
Thank you.
Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director
Caring Across Generations
P.S. Don't forget to share the petition with your friends and family once you've signed!