My name is Elise, and I’m a professional tennis player. As we kick off National Chicken Month in September, I’m pledging a percentage of my August tournament winnings to The Humane League—and while all gifts are being matched, I hope you’ll join me in donating.
As someone with chickens at home (and ducks, and peacocks, and dogs—it’s a busy household!), I always found the idea of National Chicken Month to be distressing. It was started by the National Chicken Council to promote the consumption of chicken.
But to people like you and me, chickens are intelligent, emotional beings—with their own sweet personalities, likes and dislikes, and experiences of the world.
It’s time for National Chicken Month to mean something different. To be a celebration of animals. A call to see them as the sentient beings they are. Starting now, National Chicken Month belongs to the animals.
I’m a member of High Impact Athletes, a community of over 200 athletes from all over the world. We seek out and support the world’s highest-impact charities. And one of them is The Humane League, one of the most effective charities working to end the abuse of animals raised for food.
THL has already spared millions of hens from cruel cages. And together, we can spare millions more. Will you take advantage of this match—and help end cages for good?
Ultimately, we all share one simple belief—that animals deserve better. Thank you for knowing that. ❤️ Happy National Chicken Month!
Elise Mertens
#1 Doubles player in the world 2021-2024 |