But Labour will need to be pushed to ditch austerity 2.0



Four Green MPs return to Westminster tomorrow ready for one of the key battles of this parliament.?


In July Labour won a huge majority with a manifesto promising change.


But over the summer, both the Prime Minister and Chancellor issued bleak warnings of tough times and more cutbacks.?

John, this is how the Tories broke Britain. Austerity 2.0 is not the solution.


We need a new vision of real hope and real change.?

Sian, Carla, Adrian and Ellie standing together outside houses of parliament.

Sian, Carla, Adrian, and Ellie will challenge the new Government to be bolder and better.?


They will push Labour to ditch its arbitrary fiscal rules and tax wealth fairly to invest in a more liveable future.?
We have had fourteen years of under investment in public services, pushback on climate and nature policies and obscene, spiralling inequality.?


Now it's time to fix our crumbling hospitals and schools, invest in devastated communities and accelerate a green and just transition. ?


John, are you with us? Are you ready to fight for real hope and real change??


Please get behind our four MPs and let's hold this Government to account..?

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ