This is vitally important. And I need your help.
Our urgent deadline is in just a couple of hours, and we're still short of our goal.
Biden & Harris' handpicked Special Counsel is bringing new charges against Trump – interfering in the election and turning America into a banana republic. We're filing a critical brief to save our republic.
We're also taking urgent legal action nationwide to defeat the Biden-Harris war on Christians, as Bible studies at senior centers are shut down, teachers and students are banned from praying, and even public prayer has been ruled unconstitutional.
We're battling to defund Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court. And we're also trying to provide a mobile medical unit – a Stork Bus – to combat Planned Parenthood's abortion bus.
Just hours ago, we filed our 18th lawsuit against the Biden-Harris Deep State. We're forcing the lawless Biden-Harris Administration's hand in court – to defeat the Deep State's corruption.
Just hours ago, we also sent a critical demand letter to the U.N. to defend Israel. And we're fighting for our ally in international courts as she faces endless betrayals and attacks. We're protecting Christians from increasing violence and persecution for their faith.
We have to do more. But we're facing unlimited taxpayer-funded enemies of freedom. We can't expand our efforts without you.
We're just hours from our FINAL Life & Liberty Drive Deadline at MIDNIGHT tonight. Have your gift doubled NOW.
Have Your Gift DOUBLED by Our MIDNIGHT Deadline.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director