What’s Happening at BPC’s Immigration Project
This month’s newsletter highlights our publications on immigration and COVID-19, our latest podcast episodes, and recent press highlights. If you have any questions or want more info, email [email protected]..
Each week during the COVID-19 crisis, we’ll publish a quick recap of our top three immigration-related storylines. Let us know what you think!
We outline immigration policy recommendations that can eliminate obstacles and quickly integrate non-citizen healthcare professionals into the country’s COVID-19 response strategy.
The expanding scope of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the lack of sufficient health care professionals to tackle the crisis. This brief seeks to explain the legal avenues foreign-born doctors and nurses can come to the United States to work.
We shouldn’t be surprised that, even weeks into the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump continues to point to border closings and travel bans as among his most significant responses. But, to twist the old adage a bit, even when your only tool is a hammer, not everything is a nail.
This paper examines how immigration courts impacted the state of interior enforcement in 2018 and discusses broader enforcement trends.
In this week’s episode, Host Jordan LaPier sits down with BPC regulars Theresa Cardinal Brown and Cris Ramón to discuss the CDC’s new Title 42 order that allows CBP to expel any migrant arriving at the U.S. border from the United States on public health grounds.
In this week’s episode, Host Jordan LaPier is joined by BPC regulars Theresa Cardinal Brown and Cris Ramon, as well BPC Action’s managing director, Laura Hall, to discuss the immigrants on the front lines of response to the coronavirus, the impact of a recession for immigrant workers, and an immigration angle of the CARES Act.
Click HERE for previous podcast episodes.
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