bumping for Johnyou


Hi John - I’m bumping up Camille’s email from yesterday (see below).

Thank you so much to everyone who has already stepped up with a generous gift.

We’re still pulling together a final update on where we stand, but unless we've received some surprising checks in the mail, we are almost certainly short on our goal.

Since this is our first fundraising deadline since the Democratic National Convention (and will have implications on us expanding our swing seat programs) we really can’t miss this one.

Your donation really will be key to taking back the U.S. House. Seriously.

If you haven’t made a donation for our End-of-Month deadline, please use this link here:


If you’ve already made a donation but are generously willing to renew your support to help us hit our goal, please use this link here:


Thank you,
- Yvette


----- Forwarded message -----
From: Alcala, Camille [EXTERNAL]
Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 7:07PM
Subject: (no subject)

Good evening. I hope you are doing well.

Because tomorrow is the California Democratic Party’s first fundraising deadline since the Democratic National Convention, I’m working late to tabulate our final figures and see how far off from our original goal we’re likely to land.

To my happy surprise, we are actually only $2,990.67 short from hitting our ambitious $15,000 target.

Hitting this target will allow us to expand our budget and deploy more resources to the swing U.S. House seats across California that will determine control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Election analysts, the media, and even *Republicans* are watching us closely. It’s now conventional wisdom that the U.S. House control will come down to California, and everyone wants to see if our momentum will continue or if we’ll start to slide back.

Sooo... that’s why I’m sending you this email. There’s a lot riding on California this election, and as Finance Director I want to kindly ask one more time: Will you consider making a donation or renewing your support at this critical moment?

I am dropping a link to the ActBlue page I’m monitoring through the evening. I hope to see your generous donation.


Thank you so much,
- Camille

Finance Director

Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States