Oil slicks and a hot pink letterbox!

Hello John,

What a full-on couple of days!

We’ve been showing how oily money & corporate finance controls our world. We’ve demanded change by delivering a hot pink postbox full of letters to the king. But we’re also making it clear how democracy can adapt in the face of the climate and ecological emergency.

Why are we doing all this?

Because the system has to upgrade to respond to this crisis - can you help XR do this?

All donations are still being matched. That's right - by donating today you’ll have twice the impact. It’s as simple as your £25 gift becoming £50 at no extra cost to you.

Can you support XR?

With doubled donations, we’ve already reached £35,000 - can you help us get to £60,000?

Your donation will go twice as far and support this demand for urgent democratic reform.

Together, we’re rebelling.

Love and Rage,
XR UK Fundraising 

Upgrade Democracy on the Rebel Toolkit

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