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April 30, 2020: Seventy percent (70%) of registered voters nationwide want to cut back on trade with China.[1]

That total includes 41% who simply want the United States to reduce its level of trading with the communist nation. Another 18% want to halt trade until China has negotiated appropriate compensation for the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, 11% want to ban all trade with China.[1]

At the other extreme, 15% said they want to either expand U.S. trading with China (5%) or maintain the status quo (10% say nothing should change).[1]

Solid majorities of every measured demographic group want us to cut back on trading with China.

However, there are some partisan differences in emphasis.

Twenty-one percent (21%) of Democrats want to either expand our trade relationship or maintain the status quo. Just 6% of Republicans agreed, along with 15% of independents.[1]

On the other hand, 41% of Republicans said they want to halt trade until compensation is negotiated or ban trade completely. Just 18% of Democrats said they agree, along with 31% of independents.[1]

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Scott Rasmussen is an editor-at-large for Ballotpedia, the Encyclopedia of American Politics. He is a senior fellow for the study of self-governance at the King’s College in New York. His most recent book, Politics Has Failed: America Will Not, was published by the Sutherland Institute in August 2018.

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