The Supreme Court is finally going to hear the case against qualified immunity. Whether or not they make a decision remains to be seen.
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April 30, 2020
Education Classroom ([link removed] )
We Don’t Need a COVID-19 “Race to the Top” ([link removed] )
Remember the "Race to the Top," a competition held by the U.S. Department of Education in which states battled for a slice of $4.35 billion in "stimulus" funds? It looks like we're about to have "Race to the Top: COVID-19."
- No to "Race to the Top: COVID-19" ([link removed] )
By Neal McCluskey
supreme-court-600x400 ([link removed] )
Qualified Immunity Goes to the Supreme Court ([link removed] )
Cato has been leading the campaign to abolish qualified immunity, a judicial doctrine that shields state officials from liability, even when they violate people’s constitutional rights. Soon the Court will decide whether to hear cases on the issue and potentially reconsider the doctrine altogether.
- Supreme Court Will Soon Decide Whether To Reconsider Qualified Immunity ([link removed] )
By Jay Schweikert
FDA COVID19 Video - small ([link removed] )
How to Fix the FDA's Mistaken Response ([link removed] )
Much of the initially flat‐footed response of public health officials to the coronavirus pandemic was due to cumbersome, inflexible, and outdated regulations controlling the development and distribution of drugs and tests.
Watch this short video to learn about how the FDA's failure affected testing, health care, and disease prevention.
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