This is an emergency call to action. It’s a hard government deadline. The NIH plans to amputate and kill 21 cats! Read below to take action or unsubscribe.
The NIH paid the men who cut off this cat’s leg and paw:
WCW obtained this photo just after he was amputated in an NIH-funded cat lab.
NIH also funded the demented white coat who did this:
WCW obtained this photo just before her death. Cats like Govt ID #MO were crippled and electro-shocked.
Tonight, NIH may give this lab even more blood money.
Taxpayer, is this how you want $1,700,000 of your tax money spent?
WCW obtained this photo just before her death. Cats like Govt ID #TA were mutilated and forced to run on a treadmill.
Taxpayer, midnight tonight is our DEADLINE to intercept.
11:59 pm tonight this evil grant is up for renewal.
11:59 pm tonight is the best chance to stop it. The most effective way to stop a cat lab is to stop the funding BEFORE it’s renewed.
11:59 pm tonight is the deadline before a new round of amputations begins.
11:59 pm tonight is our best chance to save the NIH 21.
11:59 PM TONIGHT is a hard government deadline.
Taxpayer, I’m proud that WCW is the most effective group for getting cats out of labs. More on that below.
However, I’m NOT proud that we failed to cover our rapid response budget target. I regret to inform you that I think we might lose.
Unless our fundraising picks up, 21 more victims will be amputated and killed.
Send help!
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Daniel López Investigations Director White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Deadline: Taxpayer, the NIH cut off these cats’ legs. Our campaign will cut off their blood money! Kailey’s emergency plan below is the key.
Here’s a secure link to help save the NIH 21 and support all our life-saving campaigns. Will you chip in?
Rush $2.10 >>
Just ten cents per cat!
Rush $21 >>
Pays for ads to reach 40+ people
Rush $50 >>
Fund rapid response in Congress
Rush $100 >>
Launch media investigation
Rush $250 >>
Chip in for an emergency lawsuit
Rush Other Amount >>
Save 21 Cats!
Look at him, Taxpayer.
In less than 48 hours our government plans to AMPUTATE the legs of 21 more cats just like him.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is about to pay $1.7 million to the men who cut off this cat’s leg and paw.
It’s a hard government deadline. 21 limbs in 48 hours.
Emergency Deadline: Follow this secure link to chip in $2.10 (only ten cents per cat!) or as much as you can afford.
Actual screenshot from NIH RePORTER—our government’s database of payouts for animal experiments.
Save 21 Cats
Stop Payout #R44AR079960 >>
Taxpayer, I personally uncovered this evil experiment. And I’m obsessed with sparing these 21 kitties from being crippled in a lab!
This is the worst animal abuse I’ve ever seen.
Feline legs surgically cut off.
Disabled cats electroshocked and abused for over two years!
NOW, it’s going to happen again.
Actual lab papers describing the cat amputations, written by NIH-funded white coats.
End the Amputations
Save 21 Cats >>
Unless we take immediate action, here’s what will happen:
Emergency Deadline
Send Help >>
Here’s the real problem: the federal funding deadline is MIDNIGHT on Friday. So, we must move faster than ever before to prevent another round of NIH cat amputations.
The most effective way to stop a cat lab is to stop the funding BEFORE it’s renewed. That’s the key to victory.
Emergency! Send Help!
Amputation Deadline >>
Just a few weeks ago, White Coat Waste saved the “Stokes 7.”
We stopped a $50,000 Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) experiment BEFORE the abuse started at the Stokes lab in Cleveland.
Your support closed the VA’s entire kitten testing program… and spared the lives of these cats. All SEVEN of them!
We could do it again for the NIH 21, Taxpayer.
We also exposed NIH and Putin’s $770,000 kitten de-braining and treadmill experiments in a Moscow lab.
Then, we united President Biden and Republican lawmakers to de-fund it. (And every other animal test in Russia).
Now, here’s the key: this is the very same laboratory that funded the Russian cat abuse!
That’s why I know we can end NIH’s amputation experiments… we know how to win this kind of campaign for cats!
Save 21 cats
Stop Payout #R44AR079960 >>
We’ve filed multiple Freedom of Information Act requests. We’re running hard-hitting advertisements to mobilize pet owners, taxpayers, and cat lovers. We’re suing NIH in the courts.
Unfortunately, we’re going to need a lot more help to save all 21 kittens in the next 48 hours. We just learned about these evil experiments. And we’re NOT budgeted for this campaign!
Please help us block payout #R44AR079960, support all our life-saving campaigns, and end NIH’s amputation lab.
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Kailey Mauro Investigator White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Taxpayer, 21 limbs in 48 hours. Pets are family. If you love cats... if your pet cat is part of your family like mine is... I beg you to chip in. Here’s your secure link to help them. —Kailey