From Chris - NSS <[email protected]>
Subject Media briefing: fears for safety of arrested Nigerian Humanist leader
Date April 30, 2020 8:53 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Thursday 30 April

In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.

** Latest from the NSS

* Fears for safety of Nigerian Humanist leader after blasphemy arrest <[link removed]>

The president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria has been arrested for blasphemy for a second time, sparking fears for his safety.

** Secularism in the media

* Humanist leader arrested for blasphemy in Nigeria <[link removed]>

Nigerian police have arrested Mubarak Bala, president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, for "blasphemy" after he allegedly posted criticism of Islam on his Facebook page.

The Friendly Atheist (Patheos)

* New Bishop of Horsham announced by 10 Downing Street <[link removed]>

The new Bishop of Horsham has been announced today by 10 Downing Street.

Mid Sussex Times

* Disgraced official in Trojan horse scandal given top police force role <[link removed]>

A disgraced former councillor who was banned from serving on any local authority has been be given a top post at England's second largest police force.

The Times (£)

* Religious gatherings unlikely to start again before end of year, says health boss in Birmingham <[link removed]>

Religious worship is likely to remain confined to people's homes until the end of 2020, a top health advisor on Birmingham City Council has warned.

Birmingham Live

* Sudan to criminalise female genital mutilation <[link removed]>

The Sudanese government is to criminalise female genital mutilation. A special article will be added to the country's criminal law.


* New York’s mayor sorry for Jewish funeral criticism <[link removed]>

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has issued an apology after he criticised a large gathering for a Jewish funeral amid the coronavirus pandemic.


* 2,500 mourners jam Hasidic Jewish funeral, creating a flash point for NYC mayor <[link removed]>

The event showed the challenges that officials have faced in addressing the flouting of social distancing in close-knit ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods.

The New York Times

* Evangelical church sues California’s governor over coronavirus restrictions <[link removed]>

A small evangelical church is suing the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, arguing the state's public gathering ban violates first amendment rights to religious freedom.

Los Angeles Times

* Germany to set out rules for religious services including singing ban <[link removed]>

Germany is to set out guidelines for holding religious services during the coronavirus pandemic with a list of strict restrictions expected to include a ban on singing.

The Guardian

* Romanian Church condemns posters depicting doctors and nurses as saints

Romania's Orthodox Church said on Wednesday a series of outdoor posters depicting nurses and doctors on the frontlines of the new coronavirus outbreak as saints were blasphemous and an insult to Christian iconography.


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