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August 30, 2024
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Ask Your Senator to Remove the Drafting of Our Daughters from Military Bill

When Congress comes back into town soon, they will be rushing to pass the reauthorization of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) set to expire on September 30th. Although the House has already passed its version, the Senate’s NDAA still needs to be voted on. However,  it contains a huge poison pill. Included is a provision that will force women ages 18-25 to register for the Selective Service. Drafters of the bill tried to sweeten the deal by including an exemption for these women from combat roles if forced to enlist. This “carveout” blatantly ignores the damage that will be done to the military and families if Congress votes to Draft our Daughters.

 This idea was first floated and defeated when Jimmy Carter was President and sadly, some Republicans are now supporting the idea as a remedy for the drop in recruiting.  However, if Congress wants to make military service more attractive, it should eliminate the numerous “woke” policies such as DEI and CRT that make voluntary military service less appealing.   
The purpose of our military is to field the finest troops possible to defend our Nation and win wars. This must be the primary consideration for military recruiting and Selective Service policies.
Science tells us that men and women are biologically different, a fact confirmed by the Marine's own research in 2015. The report found that the all-male units had much lower injury rates and higher overall performance than mixed-gender units. Statistics show that Marine teams with female members perform at lower levels, complete tasks slower, and fire weapons with a decreased accuracy compared to teams consisting of all males. In addition, no other military in the world purposely places women on the front lines of military combat. 
Any woman can seek to enlist in our all-volunteer military, but men are much more likely than women to volunteer and serve. It makes no sense to force all young women to register for a future draft when only a small percentage of them would ever enlist. Our national defense is not enhanced by maintaining a list of millions of women who have no intention of becoming soldiers and would never be fit for combat.
Throughout history, in times of war, women have held necessary roles. Besides those of homemaker and mother (the essential roles to keep our nation flourishing), they joined the workforce in many capacities, including the manufacturing of equipment that armed U.S. soldiers. Pulling women from these important duties will cause the nation’s economy and stability to quickly decline. 
Requiring women to register for the draft and potentially be sent to the front lines isn’t equal; it’s inhumane. Let’s be clear. Women should not be used by the Left (or Right!) as cannon fodder. Women should not be drafted — period. Call or email your Senators today to ask them to remove the language requiring women to join the Selective Service in the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act. A bill with this language should be an automatic “no” vote. 
Email Your Senators
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EAGLE COUNCIL 52  SEPT. 26-28, 2024  ST. LOUIS, MO
  1. JUST CONFIRMED:  GLENN BECK will speak as well as his wife, Tania Beck, our Full-time Homemaker of the Year Award recipient!  You don’t want to miss meeting the Becks at Eagle Council 52 and hear what they have to share!
  2. Student Scholarships – ONLY TWO LEFT!  Submit your application to [email protected] IMMEDIATELY to be eligible!
  3. A few airlines are offering some low-cost fares.  With only one month out, BOOK YOUR FLIGHT TODAY and MEET ME IN ST LOUIS for EAGLE COUNCIL 52 – PHYLLIS’S FAVORITE EVENT of the YEAR!!
  4. DO YOU HAVE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS? Hotel Reservation for the St. Louis Airport Marriott cut-off is September 16, 2024, to receive our low conference rate of $119/night
  5. Celebrate Phyllis’s 100th with us at EAGLE COUNCIL 52 in St. Louis!  We have a fun party planned – join us in celebrating the life and legacy of Phyllis Schlafly, our founder!
  7. HAVE YOU HEARD? Our incredible speaker line-up is sure to educate, encourage, inspire, and activate YOU and your friends, to have a greater impact for good – just in time for the coming NOVEMBER ELECTIONS!  Don’t miss out on the best and most effective gathering of grassroots Americans in St. Louis September 26-28, 2024! EAGLE COUNCIL 52!

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