Dear John,
It’s not every day that the Supreme Court issues a decision so outrageous it requires a constitutional amendment to set things right. But it’s not every day the Court grants the president absolute immunity for official actions.
This is the Supreme Court at its worst.
When the founders rejected the rule of kings, they established a basic principle of American justice: No one is above the law. Not the president, not a former president, and certainly not Donald Trump.
But now that the Supreme Court has granted broad immunity from prosecution for crimes a president may commit in office, President Joe Biden has proposed the No One Is Above the Law Amendment. Instead of taking these sweeping new powers out for a spin, President Biden is calling on the American people to rein those powers back in.
Passing a constitutional amendment isn’t easy. To get it passed by 2/3 of both houses of Congress and ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures takes real organizing and a long-term commitment. It’s likely to be a multi-year effort.
This is why we must start organizing and building support for this constitutional amendment with the American people now. Show your support and take action!
After accepting a presidential pardon for any crimes he may have committed in office, former President Nixon made the controversial claim, “If the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”
Nixon’s view was dismissed at the time, but now the Court has given it their ringing endorsement, paving the way for a dictator president to crush all who dissent.
Republican Speaker Mike Johnson has dismissed Biden’s call for a constitutional amendment, saying it’s “dead on arrival” in the House. But American democracy is all about empowering the will of the people. When millions of Americans embrace the concept of No One Is Above the Law, Mike Johnson may find they reject the Republicans who block it in the House too.
But to get 2/3 of Congress voting for it, we need to put up a real fight over the long term. That’s why we must start organizing now.
It’s time to start building support with the American people for this crucial constitutional amendment. Sign on as a grassroots co-sponsor of the No One Is Above the Law Amendment now.
Thank you for working to protect against the abuse of presidential power by taking action today.
Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action