Hey John,

Make sure to check your mailbox: ballots for the Primary Election are being mailed out starting today!  Now, new and improved with paid return postage so you no longer have to add a stamp to mail back your ballot!
Once you get your ballot, it’s time to make your voice heard, and vote for OLCV-endorsed candidates like environmental champion Shemia Fagan for Secretary of State! 
Shemia Fagan is an inspiration. Growing up wasn’t easy for Shemia -- her mother battled addiction and spent a lot of her life homeless, and her father struggled to support three kids on his own. Through education and the belief that a better life was within reach, Shemia is now a civil rights attorney and a state senator. 
As a lawmaker, her record on the environment speaks for itself -- Shemia received a 94% score on the 2019 OLCV Environmental Scorecard, and has a lifetime score of 91%. She’s a strong advocate for climate legislation, including standing with us against the Republican walkouts in 2019 and 2020. I know she will never back down in fighting for our values, even when big polluters and their allies go to extreme measures.
Shemia is the best choice for Oregon’s future, and that’s why all of us at Team OLCV are phone banking (from home) to support her. Phone banking is an easy and fun way to get involved and connect with fellow voters from your own home, and it’s one of the most impactful ways to make sure environmental champions like Shemia get elected, especially while we’re all stuck at home. 
Thursday, May 7th, at 5:30pm will be a special OLCV-focused phone bank!
Can you join us in volunteering for Shemia? Sign up here to volunteer!
And, if you haven’t yet, check out all of our 2020 Endorsements for the May 19th Primary Election! For the last 48 years, OLCV has endorsed Oregon’s top environmental candidates: candidates like Shemia who will fight for healthier communities, more resilient forests and farmlands, and wild places like the Elliott State Forest that are protected for generations to come. 
We hope you’ll join us in voting -- by May 19th at 8pm -- for Shemia and all the OLCV-endorsed candidates on your primary ballot. You can also sign up here to volunteer for OLCV (digitally!) throughout the election season. One quick way to help? Forward our OLCV Endorsements on to your friends and family! 
Even though we’re physically distanced during this election, we’re still in this together, and your vote makes a big difference in Oregon’s future.
Happy voting (from home)!
Lindsey Scholten
Political Director, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
Staying in touch via the Oregon League of Conservation Voters’ email list is the best way we have of keeping in regular contact with supporters like you and letting you know about the ways you can take action to protect the environment. You can unsubscribe from our supporter list, but if you leave, it will be harder for you to stay involved with OLCV and continue the work that you’ve been such a critical part of. OLCV wins environmental policy fights and elections because of dedicated activists like you, and we’d hate to see you go.