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Today, April 29; 4:30pm Pacific
Coronavirus-related shutdown orders and quarantines have created an immediate need for flexible and low-cost ways of delivering goods to customers—not to mention a need for creative ways to earn income from home-based work. But AB-5, California legislation enacted late last year, inhibits these essential activities and is hurting California workers by throttling the gig economy.
The Open Letter, signed by 151 California Ph.D. economists and scholars, proposes that the California State Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom suspend AB-5.
Join us to learn more about ending the huge problems AB-5 is causing.
The live discussion and Q&A will take place on Wednesday at 4:30 PM Pacific Time on thinkspot.
thinkspot is a collaborative community where individuals can explore and exchange ideas in a thoughtful and respectful manner. The platform is an intellectual playground for meaningful discourse.
If you were unable to make it to our last live event on thinkspot, you can view the video here ([link removed]) .
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