Dear John,

You’re receiving this email because you’re a valued member of our 'Abe-Team’—committed to defending democracy, one click and action at a time!

Can you feel the excitement in the air? As the election nears, our pro-democracy energy and momentum grows stronger. As we count down the days to November 5, now is the time to reach out to our fellow voters and let them know what we’re fighting to protect.

That is why our friends at Swing Left are hosting a virtual letter-writing party this Friday—and every Friday until the election—at 4:00 pm PST/7:00 pm EST. These letters will go to persuadable voters in key battleground states to help convince them to vote for pro-democracy candidates up and down the ballot.

ACTION ALERT: Letter Writing and More with Swing Left

🗓️Friday, August 30

⏰7pm ET

💻Sign up HERE: ➡️

We need to reach as many of these voters as possible, which is why we need your help! Letter-writing is fast, fun, and one of the most effective ways to reach voters—plus, you can do it from the comfort of your couch! Volunteers like you are what give democracy a fighting chance, and we know you’ll answer the bell just like you’ve been doing all year long.

If this event doesn’t work for you, feel free to poke around our Volunteer Action Center and find something that aligns with your availability and interests!

Together, we can do this!  Onward!

The Union

Join The Union is a single-issue, pro-democracy coalition of grassroots volunteers and partner organizations working to save our country from the autocratic agenda of MAGA extremists. We’re citizens from all walks of life and all political views. We’ve put our differences aside to work together for this common goal. Join us!

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