I'm about to ask you to chip in every dollar you can to help Sherrod Brown win in Ohio

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Hello, I'm about to ask you to chip in every dollar you can to help Sherrod Brown win in Ohio – but first, let me explain why this is so damn important for ALL of us. But hell, if you want to click here and chip in right away, I'm not gonna stop you.

I'll get right into it: Democrats are facing a NIGHTMARE Senate map. There's a strong chance it will all come down to Ohio, which means Sherrod is the ONLY thing standing between us and a Mitch McConnell-led Senate.

I've worked on campaigns for a long time. I've been on the winning side and the losing side. If there's one thing I know, it's that money makes a BIG difference. I wish it weren't the case, but it is. TV ads, phone banks, yard signs, campaign events in every corner of the state ... it all adds up FAST.

That's why I'm so terrified right now. If this were a simple battle between good and evil, I wouldn't be worried – Sherrod is as good a leader as Ohioans have ever had. He fights harder for workers than anybody I know, and he's not afraid to take on the big banks and corporations that are making things harder for the middle class.

But money muddies the waters, and his opponent has got a ton of it. He's already poured A TON into his own campaign, and there's a lot more where that came from. Sherrod simply doesn't have that kind of money – so that's where this grassroots team needs to come in and have his back.

I know Sherrod can win this critical race, but ONLY IF we all come together to give him the resources he needs. So I'm asking: Will you rush $5, $25, or even $50 to split between his campaign and Adam Frisch's to help him win in Ohio?

Please use the links in this email to start a weekly donation through ActBlue:

Thanks for doing your part – there's simply no other option!

James Carville