From Muslims for Progressive Values <>
Subject Why Should I Care?​  ​   
Date August 29, 2024 7:32 PM
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MPV Newsletter

September 2024

President's Note

Why Should I Care?


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For some, today may simply be an ordinary Thursday but for Muslims for Progressive Values, it's an incredibly special
Thursday because it marks 17 years to the day that MPV was founded. Like any 17 year old, we've experienced the highest of
highs and lowest of lows. Over 17 years the impact of our work looks like this:

* The term "Progressive Islam" was deemed blasphemous. Now, scholars of Islam teach the hermeneutics of Progressive Islam ( [link removed] ) in the context of social justice and human rights.
* Homophobic teachings in mosques were the norm. Now, because of our advocacy, some imams at mosques have a healthier
attitude of "don't ask, don't tell" and the younger generation of Muslims overwhelmingly support LGBTQIA+ rights ( [link removed] ).

* Our inclusive communities ( [link removed] ) with women-led prayer of mixed gender congregations was deemed heretic. Now there is a network of young Muslim women and
LGBTQIA+ folks taking spiritual ownership and founding their own inclusive communities. MPV is now involved in establishing
the network of European Council of Women Imams!

* Muslims wanting to marry non-Muslims had no way of an Islamic marriage ( [link removed] ) without the non-Muslim converting. To date, we have married thousands of mixed faith couples.

* At the United Nations ( [link removed] ), Muslim majority countries got away with justifying their human rights violations in the name of Sharia law. Not any more.
MPV calls out their bluff.

Because MPV is progressive, we don't get funding from traditional Muslim foundations, and most secular foundations shun
anything with "Muslim", we therefore rely on our supporters to carry the oversized weight on our backs.

Please support Muslims for Progressive Values as we prepare ourselves for the next 17 years of navigating the highs and lows
of advocacy as a progressive Muslim organization in an increasingly anti-rights world, and as we move to the next phase of
incorporating more arts and music in our work. We encourage you to make a donation today! ( [link removed] )

Donate Here! ( [link removed] )

Onward and upward....but above all, end the genocide.

Ani Zonneveld,

President & Founder

Progressive Islam Curriculum

Unit 5 - Gender Equality & Islam

MPV is proud to announce the launch of Unit 5 of the Progressive Islam Curriculum ( [link removed] ) - Gender Equality and Islam! Unit 5 applies the science of
progressive hermeneutics to various issues that impact gender equality in Muslim communities today, including freedom of
religion and belief, bodily autonomy, economic independence, reproductive justice, and marital rights.

You can download Units 1 - 5 of the curriculum on our website below!

Download Here ( [link removed] )

National Updates

Book Talk with Daisy Khan

Join Ani Zonneveld, Founder and President of MPV, for a book talk with Daisy Khan, a prolific women’s rights defender and
author of the recently published book, 30 Rights of Muslim Women.

We encourage you to buy her book ( [link removed] )ahead of the discussion
so you can come prepared with questions for the author of this incredible reference book.

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

Get Involved with our Chapters!

MPV LA | Meet Up ( [link removed] )

MPV DC | Meet Up ( [link removed] ) & Facebook Group ( [link removed] )

MPV San Francisco | Meet Up ( [link removed] )

MPV Chicago | Facebook Group ( [link removed] )

MPV Boston | Facebook Group ( [link removed] )

MPV NY | Facebook Group ( [link removed] ) & Instagram ( [link removed] )

Chapter Updates

MPV Boston

Get Involved with MPV Boston ( [link removed] )

MPV Boston had the privilege of co-hosting an impactful event with the South Asian Coalition focused on the ongoing protests
by Bangladeshi students, who have been advocating for their rights and demanding justice against systemic oppression and
corruption in their educational institutions. The event brought together activists, students, and community leaders to
discuss the importance of standing in solidarity with these students and amplifying their voices. Our participation in this
event is a reflection of our continued commitment to social justice and the empowerment of all communities and we remain
inspired by the resilience of the Bangladeshi students and are committed to advocating for their cause.

Chapter Events - MPV Boston

Wakhri Screening

Muslims for Progressive Values Boston is excited to announce that we will be hosting a special screening of the film Wakhri
on September 14th in Cambridge from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wakhri is a powerful film that delves into issues of feminism and LGBT+
rights within South Asian communities, shedding light on the struggles and triumphs of those advocating for equality and
justice. This event is an opportunity for us to come together, engage in meaningful discussions, and support the ongoing
fight for human rights. Tickets are available through the link below, and we hope to see you there!

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

Chapter Events

MPV Boston

Muslims for Progressive Values Boston is thrilled to invite you to our Eid-Diwali collaborative interfaith event on October
12th. This special gathering is open to all local Muslim and Hindu communities, providing an opportunity for us to come
together, celebrate, and foster mutual understanding.

The event will be filled with joyous activities, cultural exchanges, and abundant offerings, making it a day to remember. We
encourage everyone to join us in this celebration of unity and shared values. We look forward to your participation in this
vibrant and meaningful occasion!

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

Chapter Events - MPV DC

Online Qur'an Discussion

Please join MPV DC for an online Qur'an chat with like-minded Progressive Muslims on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 PM EDT /
4:00 PM PDT. RSPV is required to receive the Zoom link.

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

Chapter Events - MPV LA

Virtual Qur’an Chat

Join MPV LA and IQRA on Sunday September 15 at 9:30 AM PDT and 12:30 PM EDT for an inclusive (and virtual) Qur’an chat. We’ll
be discussing Surah Ahqaf 46. All are welcome to attend, we just ask that you bring your whole selves to the conversation,
are respectful, and share air time so everyone has the opportunity to speak.

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

Chapter Events - MPV New York

An Evening With Zara Chowdhary & Zahir Janmohamed

We are honored to host an event with authors Zara Chowdhary and Zahir Janmohamed, survivors of the 2002 Gujarat Pogrom, a
tragic chapter in history that targeted Gujarati Muslims.

Event Details: Rescued from fire: Two storytellers and survivors of the 2002 Gujarat Pogrom

🗓️ Date: Saturday 9/14/2024

🕒 Time: 6:00 PM EST

📍 Location: The People's Forum, Robeson Theatre, New York, NY

Zara and Zahir will share their personal stories, the impact of the pogrom events on their lives, and how they’ve channeled
their experiences into powerful narratives. This is an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue, learn about resilience
in the face of adversity, and discuss ways to promote justice and progressive values.

Hosted by: MPV NY Chapter ( [link removed] ), Hindus for Human Rights ( [link removed] ), and Crown Publishing ( [link removed] )

Please join us for an evening filled with enlightening conversation and thought-provoking discussions. Together we will
engage in meaningful dialogue surrounding Islamophobia, its violent history and how we as a community can rise above.

RSVP Here ( [link removed] )

MPV in the Media

New York mayor 'supports' NGO demand to bar AVHP's I-Day Ram Temple float | Counterview | August 15, 2024

Read Here ( [link removed] )

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MPV · 1465 Tamarind Ave., Suite 702 · Los Angeles · California · 90028

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