Apologies in advance for the flood of emails you are getting in your inbox and will get over the next 36 hours! Midnight, April 30th is the last public fundraising deadline before the Democratic Primary election on June 9th. And just in case you were curious, it really is me, Ted, writing all of these emails (I don't have a digital marketing team, so thanks for reading them!)
PUBLIC FUNDRAISING DEADLINE?? Campaigns all over Georgia have to report what they've raised and spent by this deadline. That means that everyone will know how well everyone else is doing. The media, supporters, and voters will see who has the support and who doesn't.
CHIP IN $10> [link removed]
CHIP IN $25 > [link removed]
CHIP IN $50 > [link removed]
CHIP IN $100 > [link removed]
CHIP IN $250 > [link removed]
OTHER AMOUNT > [link removed]
This campaign is truly funded by individual donors. No corporate PACs, no millionaires, just people who give a damn about the future of our nation, and want to see good people elected to all levels of office in 2020.
Let's make 2020 a change election year. Let's ensure that the same ole same ole politician and establishment power in this country is thrown out, and put in their place a new generation of leaders dedicated to advancing progressive policies that will move us forward.
John, can you donate today, to kick start our end of month fundraising campaign?
DONATE HERE - [link removed]
Your donation will go directly into our voter outreach right now. Over 27,000 ballots have already been mailed to voters this week!
Every few dollars we raise is another voter we can contact before they return their completed ballot. Help us get out the vote. Help elect bold progressive leaders at all levels of government in 2020.
Let's start with the DeKalb Commission on June 9th.
Thank you,
- Ted