Let’s decisively reelect Ayanna next Tuesday.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress


FIRST – When Ayanna first ran for Congress in 2018, pundits and pollsters said she didn’t have a chance. The closest poll had her 20 points down.

THEN – Our campaign expanded the electorate, engaged new voters, and beat a 10-term incumbent by a whopping 16 points.

NOW – Our primary election is just 5 🖐🏽days away and we need to make sure Ayanna is decisively re-elected.

The strength of our movement isn’t only seen in the moments that make headlines, but also in the constant, behind-the-scenes work of engaging voters EVERY election cycle. That’s the power of community organizing, and why we’re deeply grateful to have all of you on the A-team.

We’re Getting Out The Vote this weekend for Ayanna and progressive down ballot candidates and we need YOUR help.

Have a few minutes this weekend to call and turn out voters in our district? Sign up to join the A-Team for one of our virtual phone banks.

See you on the campaign trail!

The A-Team