Wanted to shoot over a note for two reasons: to let you know about the work Maura has been doing this month, and to let you know that tonight at midnight is our fundraising reporting deadline for the month.

First off, if you believe in the work that Maura is doing to make Massachusetts stronger, please donate below to help us hit our August goal. If you click on the thermometer, you can see it update in real time as we close in on our goal!

Now for an update. This month, Maura has been busy, even for her. Here’s some of the legislation that she signed this month:

If you caught our email last night, you probably know that Maura had a packed week in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention, meeting with leaders and addressing the nation to support Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Democrats up and down the ticket.

I’m so proud of everything she’s getting done for our state and country, and I know she has so much more left to do. 

Maura is doing exactly what she promised when she ran for Governor — breaking through division to bring people together and deliver.

With Maura’s leadership, you can be certain that Massachusetts will continue to lead America. 

If you want to help show her that she has our support, please chip in below to help us hit our August grassroots fundraising goal and power her work! 

Thank you!


-Tara Healey