We wanted to make sure you saw this important note from Chris last week.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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We wanted to make sure you saw this important note from Chris last week. He and our entire campaign operation are doing critical work to support gun safety champions up and down the ticket. But it takes significant resources to power our movement’s work.

So we need you to be a part of this by pitching in $3 or whatever you can to re-elect Chris and a majority in Congress that will pass universal background checks and ban assault weapons.


I am reaching out personally to ask you to make a $3 donation. But before I do, will you give me a chance to explain why your support makes a difference?

When I think about my campaign, it’s about far more than my re-election this November. That’s important. 100%. We can’t hold the Senate without my seat.

But I cannot make change on my own. As a leader in the gun safety movement and within the Democratic Party, my responsibility is to help us build power in Washington.

If we want to beat a broken status quo and deliver progressive results, then I need to do everything I can to make sure we hold the Senate, take back the House and elect Kamala Harris.

There’s no way around it. Losing the White House and the Senate would be a huge setback for our movement.

So I’m doing everything I can to make sure we have the resources and turn out the voters that we will need to elect Democrats up and down the ticket. It’s why I am planning to hit the campaign trail hard all the way through November 2024.

But doing all of this work (on top of winning my own re-election) requires significant resources. That’s why I need you with me too. So here’s where I ask:

Will you please make a donation of any amount to support my efforts to make sure Democrats hold the White House and Senate majority and take back the House? Every dollar will go toward the work required to win in November.

I believe deeply in the power of movements and collective action. Change doesn’t come from the top-down.

We build power when each of us gets in the fight to do our part. And this year, we cannot afford for any one of us to sit on the sidelines.

Thank you in advance for whatever support you can give.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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