Hi John,
This back-to-school season has reminded us of the milestones that we believe every child deserves to experience. And I know you agree the next child should get the same chance to fulfill God’s purpose for their life.
But oftentimes, we can forget that for the next mom seeking an abortion, the future can be what scares her the most.
In her current situation, she doesn’t know how she’ll financially provide for her child’s needs, let alone give him or her the opportunities she knows they’ll need to thrive, like a stable home and an education.
For her, the back-to-school season can feel like a painful reminder of the practical questions she still doesn’t have answers for. Will she really be able to provide the life she wants to give her child? This simple question can dramatically sway a mom’s decision about the baby in her womb.
That’s why we are committed to comprehensive solutions that empower mothers to not only choose life but provide a path to attain the future she desires for her family.
First, your support connects moms seeking an abortion with a life-affirming pregnancy center, where she has the opportunity to hear her baby’s heartbeat and receive essential care. Then through counseling, she can see a glimpse of what her family’s future could be, when provided the long-term support she truly needs.
From there, your generosity has allowed this work to go beyond just saving lives in the womb. The continuum of care program connects moms to a social worker that helps her access services like financial aid, job placement, and housing support. This holistic approach ensures that families are not only supported during pregnancy but also have the resources they need to thrive in the long run.
When you make a gift today, you will help double the lifesaving impact of the $100,000 Challenge Grant that a group of donors has already provided this Back-to-School season.
Thank you for standing up right now to rescue the next child and giving them the gift of a first day of school in the future. After all, without our children, there is no future. And every child deserves the chance to fulfill God’s purpose for their life!
God bless you,
Jeff Bradford
President |
Human Coalition
P.O. BOX 5347
Frisco, TX 75035-9920 |
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