These bills, things like bathroom bans and limiting access to healthcare, strip away our dignities and freedoms under the guise of helping women and children — an unfounded trope that has been weaponized against the transgender community and used to justify anti-trans hate for decades.
By spreading misinformation and treating trans people as a danger to society, these bills fan the flames of the rampant transphobia our culture is facing. That transphobia results in everyday harm to transgender people — including me. Now, after serving our country, I am facing an attack at home.
I am proud to be who I am. And I'm going to do everything I can to protect myself and the beautiful community of people I call my family. Please join me and contact your representatives now.
Thank you,
Gio (he/him)
P.S. Part of protecting the transgender community against these bills is fighting back against the misinformation and hate being spread about us. That's why I'm so grateful to have GLAAD by our side. They're fact-checking misinformation, getting hate speech banned from social media sites, and advocating for accurate and authentic queer representation in movies, TV shows, and the news. Please sign the petition now and support GLAAD's work.