your intentions 9/1 Cardinal Burke offering Holy Mass - Operation Storm Heaven

Dear Friend,
In a few days,
Cardinal Burke will offer the Operation Storm Heaven
Holy Mass LIVE on Sunday, September 1, followed by the Holy Rosary. Both will be
live streamed from Rome at 7:00 AM (Central European Summer Time
Zone). Here is the link to view
the livestream.
You now have an opportunity to
submit all of your intentions that are deep within your
On this Solemnity of the Beheading
of St. John the Baptist, may we recall how he lived his life as a
hermit in the wilderness. Relentless in his preaching to people about
the need of repentance for sin.
What would St. John the Baptist
have to say about the current state of the Catholic Church, founded by
Jesus Christ?
Our Spiritual Father, Cardinal
Burke gives us guidance:
“We live in most troubled times,
throughout the world and even within the church, that pervasive
confusion and error, about the most fundamental truths, about the law
which God has written upon every human heart, tempt us to
discouragement and even to abandon hope."
As always, His Eminence directs us
to the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Son:
“Our Lady draws us to herself, in
order that she, in turn may lead us, to our only source of hope, her
Divine Son. Above all, His real presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament
of the Holy Eucharist. We cannot fight and win the fierce spiritual
battles of our time by means of our own cleverness and strength.
Christ, our Eucharistic Lord, however, is with us. He alone can
conquer sin in us. On the last day, He will restore us and all
creation through God Our Father to eternal glory.”
In September, Our Blessed Mother is
honored with feast days you may not be familiar with. We know that the
month is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and that the church
celebrates the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary on
September 8. Here are other feasts in September that honor
September 3 – Our Lady of the
Divine Shepherd, France. St. Collette helped in spreading her fame
after she received vigor, good health and even grew several inches in
September 12- The Most Holy Name of
September 15 – The Seven Sorrows of
the Blessed Virgin Mary.
September 19 – Our Lady of La
Salette. Appeared to two children in France sitting and weeping. She
told them the two things which pained her Son most were the neglect of
Sunday observance and blasphemous language.
September 24 – Our Lady of Ransom.
Appeared to Saint Raimund, of the order of Saint Dominic, as well as
two others and asked that an order be established for the ransom and
redeeming of captives, who were imprisoned. Some were forced to
renounce their Catholic faith and sold as slaves.
As part of Operation Storm Heaven,
your intentions are added each month to the Holy Mass offered by His
Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and to the Holy Rosary that will be
prayed by him and all the Rosary Warriors throughout the world that
have pledged to pray, on the 1st of
September, which will be livestreamed. The link to view:
As a Rosary Warrior, I would
like to once again invite you
to present your new
or updated intentions and prayer requests for Operation Storm
Heaven before the 1st of September.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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