There are rumblings throughout the streets - Extinction Rebellion is arriving!
Upgrade Democracy - 30th Aug to 1st Sep

Hello John,

The freshly painted banners and print works are being loaded in the vans alongside dazzling costumes - Upgrade Democracy is happening!

Tomorrow bus loads of rebels will be arriving and setting up camp in Windsor. We'll later mark our arrival with an opening ceremony and march. The sombre beats of our drums will hit home how broken the system is.?


There's more too... adapted fair games to mimic how f-UNFAIR the game of life is but the real gem is the incredible opportunity to be part of our Massembly - the biggest yet! And don't worry, you can get involved online if you're unable to join us on the Saturday!?

As well as XRUK's incredible volunteers making large-scale events like this possible, we cannot do it without your generosity. Delivering large-scale events like this takes a lot of time, energy and money. Your donation today will power this movement. But that's not all....?


Whatever you give today will be matched pound for pound at no extra cost to yourself - so, that's twice the impact.?

Upgrade Democracy is about rebelling against systemic failures and government inaction. Support this movement to demand urgent climate action and putting life before greed and power.??


In whatever way you can, join us.?Demand an upgrade to democracy. We need you - if not now, then when?

Love and Rage,
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