We've got your afternoon plans, team. California AG Xavier Becerra, who has now sued the Trump Administration ~80 times over its reckless attacks on working families, joins DNC Chair Tom Perez for an Instagram Live TODAY at 6 pm EST (3 pm PST).

Together, they’ll highlight Democratic efforts underway to tackle our nation's public health crisis, the importance of electing Democrats up and down the ballot in November, and the Latino vote.

As the son of immigrants, AG Becerra brings a unique perspective to every fight he pursues, often fighting to protect people like his parents. Additionally, he’ll talk with Chair Perez about leading the fight to save the Affordable Care Act and how Democratic AGs prioritize the needs of hardworking families over corporate interests.

Join AG Xavier Becerra and DNC Chair Tom Perez for a live discussion TODAY on Instagram: @TheDemocrats at 6 p.m. EDT

Thank you for all that you do, 


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