May Day Week Actions

Dear John,

We invite you to participate in the online May Day activities sponsored by clubs and districts and to take action on three urgent items.

May 1, 5:30 PM ET: "Ohio's Working Class in the Days of Covid-19." On Friday, click here to join on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 885 818 7001.  Password: 350209.

May 1, 7-8 PM ET: May Day Rally from New York. Speakers, music, and a toast to workers. On Friday, click here to join on Zoom.

May 1, 8 PM ET: Virtual Celebration & Dance Party from Chicago.  On Friday, click here to join on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 939-6146-5240. Password: 026082.

May 3, 3-4 PM ET: "International Worker Solidarity: COVID-19 and Beyond." Rally in Connecticut. Click here for list of speakers and other details. Register here.

We urge you to take the following actions this week:

1. On April 17, Representative Ilhan Omar introduced H.R. 6515, the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act, which would enact a national rent and mortgage suspension because of the coronavirus pandemic. Call your Congressional representatives and urge them to pass this legislation. Instructions and talking points provided here.


2. On April 30, join with SEIU for a call-in day across the country to demand $500 billion for public services to be included in the next federal relief package. Let your Senator know this matters to you by calling (844) 967-2163 on April 30!

Sample Script: "Hi, my name is ____ and I'm from [CITY/TOWN]. I'm calling to urge Senator _____ to support $500 billion in aid to fund the vital services that our communities need and that public service workers provide. It's important to me that Senator ____ makes sure working families like mine are at the center of every emergency relief package."


3. The CPUSA is one of over 900 organizations that have joined together in the People's Bailout

On May 1st, people across the country will take part in a #PeoplesBailout Day of Action!

Let's take action together on May Day to demand that our communities get what they deserve and hold Trump accountable for the more than 50,000 lives that have been lost across the country.

On May 1st @ 2pm EST/ 11AM PST join our #PeoplesBailout Live Stream and make noise with us, wherever you are! Then @ 2:30pm EST/ 11:30am PST join us for a Twitter storm where we will tweet @realdonaldtrump

In solidarity,

Joe & Rossana



Communist Party USA
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