Hi John,
Did you see our most recent blog post on AI?
If not, here’s the abridged version: Creative Commons is thinking about AI a lot. We’ve hosted intimate roundtables, organized workshops at conferences, and run public events, digging into this challenging topic.
Last year, we started exploring the possibilities of preference signals as a means for individuals to indicate the terms (attribution, non-commercial, research purposes etc.) by which their work can or cannot be used for AI training.
We’re getting feedback on this from our community and will keep you in the loop as this work develops. AI is impacting how we think about open sharing, and rewriting the rules of life online. We need to fight for the public interest, and we welcome your input as we do this work.
We also need financial support. Even a small donation of $20 has a significant impact. Would you consider a tax-deductible gift to CC?
Thank You!