Hello John,

With the candidate filing deadline passed, we now officially know that Donna has not one but TWO Republican challengers in the race for the 52nd House District.

We need your support TODAY to make sure we have the resources we need to run a winning campaign during this uncertain time and keep Donna in the State House.

The 52nd House District has historically been a toss up, going back and forth between Republicans and Democrats. 

With a global pandemic, Donald Trump back on the ballot, and the MI House Democrats in a position to retake our State House, we cannot take these challengers lightly.

Republicans know that the path to keeping their majority in the State House runs through Donna’s seat.

Just four districts separate Democrats from holding the majority, and stopping Republican opposition to keeping Michiganders safe, improving our roads and holding polluters accountable.

The 52nd House District has a champion in the State House who has proven that she represents our values and gets things done. Now we need to do the work to keep her there.

Can you pitch in $15, $25 or $50 today so that we can make sure we keep Donna in Lansing?

Donna works hard for us every day, and with your support we know we will keep her on the job for another term.


Team Donna

We hope that you are well and healthy during this very difficult time. We have cancelled our in-person fundraising events until we can meet again safely, which makes email fundraising more important than ever. We know that not everyone is able to financially support our campaign right now, but for those who can, every dollar given will go directly to finding innovative new ways to communicate with voters. We won’t let this virus stop us from making positive change in Lansing, and we hope you’ll stick with us however you can. Thank you for being a part of our team.
Copyright © *|2016|* *|Vote Donna Lasinski|*, All rights reserved.
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Donna Lasinski
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