![]() Patriot, Free speech is facing the firing squad. For years, Campaign for Liberty and I have been warning about the escalating crackdown on free speech. In a barbaric act of legal extortion, the brazen assault has moved from a covert operation to an unquestionable, blatant reality. I’m talking about Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who was arrested days ago in France – for the alleged crimes of some of the app’s users. Telegram is one of the most popular social media apps in the world. Reportedly, Pavel Durov will be charged for the crimes of a tiny minority of his platform’s users. In the United States, we have a law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, designed to immunize platforms from the acts of their users. We have this law precisely because we understand it is impossible to perfectly police and prevent abuse of the platforms. So when our government wants to shut down a platform they don’t like, they either have to pass a law – like the recent Tiktok ban – or enlist a foreign country to do their dirty work for them. This might explain why France targeted Durov in a transparent attempt to shut down free speech on the Telegram platform. As I said on a recent episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report, countries that are
insecure about unrest among their own citizens fear free speech. French official Jean-Michel Bernigaud confirmed the arrest was related to Telegram’s lack of censorship and cooperation with the government. For these non-crimes, Durov faces 20 years in prison. This is not a foreign problem – this is censorship we will face at home. This incident affects at least four issues we have fought over the past year: • Free speech. Durov is being targeted because Telegram is a free speech platform, pure and
simple. • Weaponization of government for censorship. The government of France (and the U.S., and Russia before) have targeted Durov with legal warfare for the purpose of censoring Telegram. • Encryption. Reportedly, Telegram in general and Durov in particular have been pressured to create a security “back door” for governments to be able to eavesdrop on users’ posts – and it’s in part because Telegram refused to create this “back door” that its founder has been targeted. • Cryptocurrency. Not only is Telegram one of the most successful speech platforms in the world, but it also launched its own cryptocurrency, the “Toncoin,” which proved remarkably successful as well. This is not only an attack on free speech platforms, but an attack on private cryptocurrencies. The assault on Telegram founder Pavel Durov is an assault on all of these critical issues we hold dear. And although the French government arrested him, it defies belief they would have done so without clearance from their masters in Brussels and Washington, D.C. Statists in Paris, as well as in Washington, want to eat their cake and have it, too. They want legal immunity for social networks who censor unfavored speech of their users and legal liability for social networks for failing to censor their users. Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has finally admitted his company censored Americans because of pressure from the government. And now – just as we’ve been warning for months – they’re taking action to impose their diabolical scheme. The battle for free speech is here, NOW – and it will only intensify between now and November 5. That’s why, Patriot, I hope you’ll help Campaign for Liberty fill its war chest for the liberty-shredding battle that is bearing down on you and me like a run-away train. C4L has warned for months that these issues would be critical in the election: Censorship.
Targeted legal assaults against
dissidents. Back doors to subvert encryption. Attacking cryptocurrencies. All of these vital issues Campaign for Liberty has been fighting for years are touched by the arrest of the founder of Telegram. And don’t think for one second this is just the action of the French government acting alone. This is the work of the globalist Western political establishment. These tyrants think if they just turn the heat up slowly enough, we won’t notice – like frogs surrendering in a slow boil. But this act – arresting the billionaire founder of one of the biggest social networks in the world – was no small step. This was a major lurch towards tyranny. Now that we’re at the end of August, we need to budget for our Full-Court Press leading up to the elections and Lame Duck session – and we need your help. If you can give $200, we can reach more patriots like you to make an impact. But $100, $50, or whatever you can afford will also help. And we’re fighting on every front. On this incident alone, we have four major fronts: -Free Speech -Encryption -Competing currencies -Protection from political persecution And we fully expect Congress to bring a push on these issues – because the arrest of the Telegram founder was brought to make a narrative. Everything I’ve been warning about is now happening. That’s why it is so critical you help Campaign for Liberty fight this tyranny. Patriot, we called it. Exactly what we said they would do, they have done. We are warning you now: the assault on free speech will radically, rapidly escalate between now and Election Day. So Patriot, won’t you please agree to your most generous contribution of $200 right away? Your generous gift will help Campaign for Liberty sound the alarm about the radically escalating assault on free speech, government weaponization, encryption, and competing currencies. But if $200 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $100, $50, or at least $25 to help Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK against the statists’ election season assault on free speech? We are asking for your help to mobilize against these assaults we know are coming. Because I am genuinely worried that after having put everything on the field for critical battles earlier this year, Campaign for Liberty won’t have the resources we need to stand up to a sudden attack on free speech in the next month that we anticipate based on experience. That’s why your action today is so critical. I know I’ve asked you to stretch this year. Campaign for Liberty has taken on so many important fights! But the good news is, you’re making a tremendous difference. I can promise you one thing. The statists aren’t going to run away and hide between now and the November elections. Instead, they’re going to look for an opening to RAM through every one of the schemes you and I have bottled up over the past year . . . You and I have to prove to them there’s NO CHANCE before it’s too late. So please make your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The truth is, there’s nothing the statists won’t do, the moment they can – and especially before an election they are nervous about. They’ve locked up the creator of a free speech platform because they want to chill free speech. And it’s only going to get more extreme and more dangerous between now and November 5. If you can, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty so we can mobilize like-minded patriots for every assault we know is coming. Can you make a donation today of $200, $100, $50, or at least $25? Thank you for your help and support!If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |