Everything you need to know to help you join us this week. We need you. Rebel against extinction.
Upgrade Democracy - 30th Aug to 1st Sep

Hello John,

We hope you've already received this - but we couldn't risk you missing out. Here's what you need to know about XRUK's upcoming mass occupation!

If you're free between 30 August - 1 September, join us in Windsor?

You'll be supporting our volunteers' hard work to mobilise XRUK, create amazing spectacles and take action!


Whatever you can donate will be matched pound for pound, meaning your ?25 will become ?50 at no extra cost to you!?

Upgrade Democracy is about rebelling against the systemic failures of government and the lies that create an unjust system. A system avoidant of taking urgent climate action and putting life before greed and power.??


Join us and demand an upgrade to democracy. We need you.

Love and Rage,
XR UK Fundraising?

Upgrade Democracy on the Rebel Toolkit

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