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Fellow Republicans,

Earlier today, your Indiana Republican State Committee met virtually, and we wanted to share with you the latest updates from their work as we prepare for the upcoming 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention.

The Indiana Republican Party’s first goal remains to safely host an in-person state convention as planned on June 20th, dependent upon the latest facts as we continue to fight the global COVID-19 pandemic.

However, if the situation won’t allow for an in-person convention to happen, your state committee today unanimously approved temporary rules that would allow for a convention’s appropriate structure to be built. This structure would ensure delegate participation in the selection of our lieutenant governor and attorney general nominees

You can read these temporary rules – which expire on October 1, 2020 – here.

No matter the form our convention takes, be assured – your Indiana Republican State Committee is committed to protecting our delegates’ rights to select our party nominees for lieutenant governor and attorney general. Through it all, delegates’ voices and votes are fundamental.

We’ll continue to be transparent with you through every step of this process and update you again as soon as there is more information to share. Thank you for your work in support of our party, and please continue to share with me your input on this important topic.

Thank you,
Chairman Kyle Hupfer

Read the Indiana Republican Party's Temporary Convention Rules
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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA