Our free, confidential helpline is where parents can go to get personalized action plans.
Hi Friend,
Did you know that our helpline is free to any family that needs help supporting a loved one with addiction? Your generous contributions make this possible.
How it works –families contact our helpline when they have a loved one struggling with substance use and don't know what to do. Our caring helpline specialists work with families to create a customized action plan for each situation. They understand that caregivers are the most important person in a child's life and it's important for them to feel heard, understood and supported.
“You were a safety net when I felt like I was drowning. You had resources to suggest and knew just what to say. Thank you for being there.” – helpline caller
Help ensure as many families as possible have access to our compassionate services. Please consider donating today.
We rely on your support to reach families and connect them to trustworthy resources and compassionate services. Thanks for everything you do to end the addiction crisis.
– Your Friends at Partnership to End Addiction
Give Monthly
A powerful way to make a sustained impact is by giving a monthly gift, even if it is a smaller amount. The predictable cashflow allows us to expand our programs and services confidently because we have funding we can depend on.