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A letter from someone who sees the necessity and possibility of: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
If Not Now, When?  If Not Us, Who?
by Scott Gilbert

Atlanta, August 11

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If Not Now, When?  If Not Us, Who? 
I sit staring at these two questions. As I look at them more and more, I realize there should not be question marks, there should be many exclamation marks, becoming larger and larger, for these two phrases as we answer them: NOW!!! and US!!!   

Why are people waiting? Every day that people wait, whether it is another child dying or being separated from their family in concentration camps, whether it is another EPA law thrown out or more fossil fuel burning, whether it be “pussy grabbing” or women losing the right to control their bodies and lives, whether it is another person of color screaming “I can’t breathe“ or dying with his daughter swimming across the Rio Grande, whether it is white supremacists murdering people in El Paso or a synagogue in Pittsburgh, whether it is worrying about a sudden attack on a middle eastern country or a preemptive strike with nuclear weapons on North Korea, whether it is this fascist regime calling other countries shit-holes or chanting “send her back” at a Nuremburg-style neo-Nazi rally, people of the world are suffering.

I ask myself, “Why are people still on the sidelines?” Why do people say, “I am with you” but walk on?  Why do people say, “I am waiting for the next elections”? It has been 2 ½ years with this fascist regime!

Do these people not know that, objectively, they are accommodating the daily crimes of this regime if they do nothing?  Many people say they hate what is going on, but now they need to ACT on their understanding. If they do not act at this point, they are helping to normalize these crimes.  (When I was a child, I asked the Holocaust survivors of my German Jewish family why they did not fight against the rising fascist government, and they had no answer.  I realized they, too, were being “good Germans” even though they were Jewish. I learned the phrase “Never Again”.)  If you don’t like what is happening, then you have to do something to stop it.

The two questions above should have been posed the day these fascists first came to power, and the answers should have been YESTERDAY and ALL OF US.  Each day that we wait, it becomes harder and harder to stop them.  We must learn from the people of Puerto Rico who are making history as I write this.

People say this is unrealistic. I am told that we can rely on the courts even though the Trump/Pence regime has already appointed 12% of all federal judges and the Supreme Court is stacked with 5 neo-conservatives. This is exactly how it went down in Nazi Germany.  I am told we can rely on the Democratic Party even though they just funded $4.6 billion to continue the concentration camps (!!)–a true form of collaboration with these fascists. And what if the Democrats don’t win in 2020?  Or, Trump loses and decides to stay in office, which he has threatened multiple times?

What is truly unrealistic is that if people wait, this Fascist regime will go away.

“Don’t be a good German!” There is a reason for this expression. It refers to those Germans who did not support Hitler but went along with the Nazi program, and in so doing were complicit with great horrors. Just as we also say, “Never Again!”; these expressions should not be meaningless slogans. We should live by them, and act on what they mean. Right now, that means not being “good Americans.”

Let us go out and struggle with everyone everywhere—there are millions of people who truly despise what is going on, many standing on the sidelines because they feel despair and helplessness. We must show them that there is a way to do this, that Refuse Fascism has a mission and a plan.  Promote the Refuse Fascism website with all its fantastic exposure, testaments and essays. Promote the Bob Avakian video “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”  Many people feel liberated when they learn about Refuse Fascism.  People WANT to find the truth and the way out of this nightmare.

We need to “Disturb the Air.” Challenge, with welcoming determination, your friends, relatives, colleagues, people you meet on the street with the truth: This Nightmare Must End! The Trump/Pence regime Must Go!

Find the people and organizations that want to ACT NOW.  Challenge people with the question, “What will it truly take to stop this madness and all these crimes against humanity done by the Trump/Pence regime?”  Challenge people with, “If you truly want to stop *** (fill in the blank: the concentration camps, the destruction of the planet,…), what will it take to do that and make a real change?”  Challenge people that if they see what is really going on in the world, to ACT in a way that is commensurate to change the situation.  Challenge them with our slogan, In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America, while having them fully understand what it means. And, prepare to stay in the streets until the Trump/Pence fascist regime is driven from power!!

Be part of the ONLY realistic plan to Drive Out the Trump/ Pence regime and all of these fascists.  Be part of making a better future for humanity.

> > Volunteer to help organize sustained, non-violent protest beginning as soon as possible with the demand #TrumpPenceMustGo
> > DONATE to spread this message further

What is Refuse Fascism is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met. This means working and organizing with all our creativity and determination to bring thousands, eventually millions of people into the streets of cities and towns, to demand: This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! welcomes individuals and organizations from many different points of view who share our determination to refuse to accept a fascist America, to join and/or partner with us in this great cause. national team
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