Hi John,

I'm checking in with updates from another busy month! From a joint session of Congress in Washington to reintroducing legislation aimed at protecting your packges, meeting with constituents, and more, it was a memorable one. Read on for details: 

Protecting Your Packages from Porch Pirates 

Porch piracy is an increasingly dangerous crime as more Americans, especially our seniors, rely on delivery services for vital necessities such as medicine and groceries. American consumers lose hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars as victims of this crime – many with little recourse to recover their losses. It’s time to make porch piracy a federal crime, just as it already is for USPS deliveries, and hold thieves accountable for their crimes. That's why I reintroduced the Porch Pirates Act last month. 


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Watch me go On the Job with UPS delivering packages and learning how my bill can help keep packages safe on doorsteps.

This bipartisan bill that will help law enforcement crack down on package theft by applying the same penalties currently in place for the theft of United States Post Office (USPS) mail to the theft of mail from commercial and private carriers such as FedEx and UPS. 

The current penalties for the theft of non-USPS mail are minimal. While some states have enacted stronger penalties for theft of non-USPS mail and packages, most have not – leaving the majority of Americans unprotected. Now is the time to pass the Porch Pirates Act – and I am pleased to report that it has earned broad bipartisan support in Congress.  

My Vote on H.Res.1371

Last month, I voted no on H.Res.1371, “Strongly ondemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar Kamala Harris’s failure to secure the United States border,” and called on Congress to get serious about solving our nation’s border security and immigration problem. If there is someone to blame for the human and security failures at our southern border, it is, without a doubt, Congress. I have visited our southern border with bipartisan colleagues on two occasions. The situation there remains a serious challenge, but the House Majority in the 118th Congress has proven it is one they are not serious about fixing. My Republican colleagues walked away from a landmark bipartisan immigration deal so they could continue to use the border as a divisive campaign issue this fall.

Abandoning common sense reform in favor of politically-charged, nonbinding resolutions like this one is nothing less than a dereliction of duty. Improving border security and implementing humane, efficient, modern immigration policies are not mutually exclusive. I invite Republicans and Democrats in Congress to join me in placing principle over politics in pursuit of meaningful immigration reform – like the Senate’s bipartisan border bill – that will keep our communities safe and economy strong. Our job is to govern, so let’s get to it!

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Address

Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress regarding the threat from Iran, the rise in antisemitism, and the devastating war in Gaza. I attended the address not in support of the Prime Minister, but rather to demonstrate leadership at this critical moment on the need for an immediate ceasefire that will end the suffering in Gaza and bring the hostages home, including the eight Americans currently held in captivity.

The Prime Minister spoke about the threat that Iran and its terror proxies pose not only to Israel, but also to our nation and our democratic values. We must remain vigilant in ensuring that Iran is never able to acquire a nuclear weapon, and that Israel is able to defend itself from regional aggression, including attacks directly from Iran as well as the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. He also used his address to speak about the surge of antisemitism both in the United States and around the world. Such hatred will not achieve lasting peace and will only serve to vilify and divide. Criticism of or disagreement with the Israeli government’s policies are not inherently antisemitic, and conflating the two is detrimental to our very serious efforts to counter antisemitism and violence targeting the Jewish community. We must stand together in our fight against hate and intolerance in all forms. 


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Click here to watch my conversation with Leat Corinne Unger who was my guest to Netanyahu's address.

Prime Minister Netanyahu also discussed the ongoing war in Gaza but refused to acknowledge - or take any responsibility for - the loss of many thousands of innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives and the unimaginable suffering of displaced survivors that has occurred since Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack on October 7, 2023. The Biden Administration and our regional partners continue to work tirelessly to finalize a ceasefire agreement that will see the immediate release of all hostages and an end to the bloodshed. Prime Minister Netanyahu must take responsibility for this situation. He must make the courageous decision to seal the deal and outline a serious day-after proposal that addresses both the immediate humanitarian needs inside of Gaza and the long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation requirements instead of serving his own political and legal interests.

Israel’s security and the region’s stability depends on our ability to meet this critical moment, to embrace bold new leadership, and to take serious, permanent steps towards a two-state solution that would see Israel and a Palestinian state living side-by-side in mutual peace and security.

Donuts with Dean

I've said it before and I’ll say it again, welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job. Last month, I hosted a remarkable group of constituents at the Capitol for another “Donuts with Dean,” which my team and I hold on Fridays when the House is in session. After great conversation and a tour of the Capitol, I always leave our gatherings feeling proud to represent the most engaged community in the nation!

Spending time with the incredible Minnesotans in our community is always a highlight!

Connecting with Students

Last month, I had the opportunity to join a group of students from the Close Up Foundation - a leader in civic education, classroom discourse, and hands-on student travel program - for a conversation on steps of the Capitol. Nothing leaves me more optimistic for our future than meeting with students and hearing about their ideas, priorites, and dreams. 

Thank you to the incredible students from the Close Up Foundation for an insightful conversation!

I also met with a group of outstanding students from The School for Ethics and Global Leadership (SEGL), a semester-long residential program that provides high school juniors from across the nation an opportunity to shape themselves into ethical leaders who create positive change in our world. Listening to and learning from young people always leaves me hopeful about our collective future and reenergized in my work on behalf of all of you.

Meeting with the remarkmable students of SEGL brought so much joy to my day!

Speaking of our collective future, election day will be here before we know it. Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy and this year, we will be choosing the next President, Senators, U.S. and State Representatives, Judicial seats, and other officials. Together, they will make a major impact on the future of our state and nation, so I encourage you to, check your registration, find your polling place, know what's on your ballot, and make your voice heard!

Keep the faith and keep in touch,


Dean Phillips
Member of Congress



Resources For You

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Make your voice heard: Registering to vote is the crucial first step in exercising your right to vote. Checking your registration status is quick, and only requires your name, date of birth, and zip code or county you reside in. 
  • Energy Savings Hub: The U.S. Department of Energy has launched a one-stop shop for American families and consumers to access tools to cut energy costs through rebates and energy efficient upgrades. Click here for a list of green tax credits and other rebates.
  • Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.

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