Dear John,
Earlier this month, the FDA decided to relax its rule of banning blood donations from gay and bisexual men from 3 months to 12 months. Those who lived through the heights of the AIDS crisis in the 1980's know how painful it was seeing gay and bisexual men turned away from donating blood to their own community in need. Any ban based solely on a person's identity, not science, is wrong.
Take action: Tell the FDA to lift the blood donation ban on gay and bisexual people.
HIV is not a ‘gay disease’ and a government policy that equates being gay with living with HIV is wrong. The three-month deferral continues to perpetuate discrimination.
Given the COVID-19 crisis, it is more critical than ever to prioritize science and facts over fear and bias. Due to the virus, more than 4,000 blood drives have been canceled since mid-March. It's time for the FDA to lift the blood donation ban completely, to end its discriminatory practice, and to save lives.
Add your name: Tell the FDA that any blood donation ban based solely on someone's identity is wrong.
In solidarity,

Rebecca Isaacs
Executive Director
Equality Federation