your intentions 9/1 Operation Storm Heaven

Dear Friend,
How blessed we are! Cardinal Burke
will offer the Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass LIVE on Sunday,
September 1, followed by the Holy Rosary. Both will be live streamed
from Rome at 7:00 AM (Central European Summer Time Zone). You will
receive a link to view before the Holy Mass begins.
Here is an opportunity to submit all of your intentions that
are deep within your heart. With the presidential election coming up,
here is an opportunity to include intentions for the future of the
United States, as well as the current state of the
world. Everyone knows
our society is leaning toward a godless
culture. So very often, mocking what is sacred. Without
lingering, we as Prayer
Warriors, must pick up our “spiritual swords” and fight this
Cardinal Burke spoke about the evil
in this world and the blasphemous opening of the Summer Olympics in
Paris, during his homily of the
16th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church at the Shrine of Our
Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Then, his Eminence points
us in the direction of what we should do as Catholics.
beset with the darkness and sin which is ever more given place in the
world and even in the Church, we come to Our Lord through His Virgin
Mother. On this past Friday, we witnessed an unbelievable
manifestation of the darkness and sin in our world: the abominable
mockery of the Holy Eucharist at its Institution for the opening of
the Summer Olympics in Paris. It is difficult to imagine anything more
debased and blasphemous. That such an act could take place shows us,
in a most painful way, how what was once a Christian culture has
become the theater of Satan and those who cooperate with his
thoroughly evil plans, the plans of “a murderer from the beginning”
who “has nothing to do with the truth,” the plans of “a liar and the
father of lies.” Our disgust and anger about what happened at the
Summer Olympics awakens anew our consciousness of so many other
manifestations of the open rebellion against God and His plan for our
salvation in the world in which we live: attacks on human life and its
cradle in the family created by the marriage of a man and a woman, and
attacks on religion itself and its free exercise. In the Church, too,
we witness the deliberate spread of confusion and error regarding the
truths of our faith, the secularization of the Sacred Liturgy, and the
lack of respect for the irreplaceable foundation of charity in the
respect for justice and the rule of law.
What are we, sinners yet humble and contrite
of heart, to do? We must turn daily to Our Lord and seek from Him,
through His Mother, the Mother of Divine Grace, the sevenfold gift of
the Holy Spirit for the transformation of our lives and of whatever
part of His vineyard Our Lord has entrusted to our care, beginning
with our homes. We must never forget the words of Our Lord as He began
His Public Ministry: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is
at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel.” Christ Who promised to
remain with us in His holy Church until the Last Day speaks the truth
to us and gives us the grace to live the truth. Through the unbroken
line of the Apostles and their Successors, Christ is
with us to heal and strengthen us for the battle against darkness and
sin, the battle in which, in Him, we are the victors. It only remains
for us, in the words of Saint Paul, to fight the good fight, to stay
the course, and to keep the Faith."
Pay careful attentions to the words
of Our Lady of Fatima during the fifth apparition, on September 15,
1917: “Continue to pray the Rosary to obtain the end of the war.”
These words ring true today; pray for peace between Ukraine and
Russia, Israel and Hamas, as well as an end of all violence and
killings. If you only pray the Holy Rosary occasionally, now is the
time to commit to praying one Rosary daily. If you are praying a
Rosary daily, pray two. Savor each mystery. Keep a journal of your
intentions. Keep track of what intentions have been answered. You
will be surprised at how many big and small miracles Our Blessed
Mother takes care of!
As part of Operation Storm Heaven,
your intentions are added each month to the Holy Mass offered by His
Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke and to the Holy Rosary that will be
prayed by him and all the Rosary Warriors throughout the world that
have pledged to pray, on the 1st of September,
which will be livestreamed.
As a Rosary Warrior, I would
like to once again invite you
to present your new
or updated intentions and prayer requests for Operation Storm
Heaven before the 1st of September.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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