.Dear Friend,
At an event last week I heard many of you express your concerns about the Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposed designation of the Midwest-Plains National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (NIETC) that would go through Kansas, including two counties in the 4th District – Edwards and Pawnee. I take property rights very seriously – landownership and property rights are fundamental to our constitutional republic, and we’ve seen the federal government abuse its power and infringe on personal property far too often.
Respect for private property rights is essential to our American way of life, and I am firmly committed to protecting it.
Instead, with the NIETC project, the DOE is overstepping and trampling on the rights of Kansans by using the Grain Belt Express route as a starting place for this new designation. Areas designated as NIETCs are subject to federal land grabs that can override state and local jurisdictions, meaning the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission would be empowered to approve the construction or modification of electricity transmission facilities even when a state has previously denied these applications.
The 45-day comment period for this project did not provide enough time for local groups to fully understand the impacts this designation would have on their communities, nor were many Kansans even aware of the comment period. Since the comment period closed, there have been a number of public meetings, community engagement, and stakeholder outreach on this issue. The Department should reopen the comment period to fully address the concerns of Kansans living in the path of this proposal.
This is simply unacceptable, and many Kansans are rightfully outraged that their land could be usurped by the federal government. I’m working to push back on this land grab and will have more information in the coming weeks. Be assured that I will continue to stand up for the private property rights of Kansans and do all I can to keep you posted on the status of this project and how it would impact 4th District Kansans.