Plus, design our new chapter logo!

 What's Going On this Week? 

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

🌹= Great for First-Timers!


☎️ CWA on Strike ☎️

CWA on Strike Promo Image

CWA is officially on strike and they need our help on the picket lines! AT&T must come to the bargaining table in good faith and meet their workers demands! If you'd like to show solidarity with AT&T workers and protest with them contact [email protected] for more details on picket line locations. Please also sign CWA's petition and show your support for AT&T Southeast Workers.


🍉Palestine Fundraiser Show 🍉

Palestine Fundraiser Show Promo Image

Join us for a night of music and performances to benefit the Palestinian Childrens' Relief Fund! Doors open at 5:30pm on September 8th.

Performers: Why Girls Kill | How to Start Fires and Why | Slime Ring | The Harvest Law | Tommy | Crosstalk (Solo)


Labor Day Movie Night! 

Pride Labor Day Weekend Movie Night

Join ATL DSA this Labor Day weekend to watch Pride a story of social movement solidarity and winning labor organizing! See the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners and the workers win big in this heartwarming movie, and kick back with your comrades. Join us next Monday September 2nd at 7pm. Located at 711 Catherine St SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.


Logo Redesign Contest! 

Atlanta DSA Logo Re-Design
Are you an ATL DSA member who wishes our chapter had a neater logo? We want to see your ideas! Submit your logo designs by September 23, 2024. Upload your design and tell us why you think this should be our chapter's new logo.
How will the logo be chosen? We'll vote on the best design amongst the logo finalists at the September General Meeting! Once we've decided, we can print shirts, buttons, stickers, and more.

☎️ Weekly Socialist Slate Phonebanks ☎️

Socialist State Weekly Phone Bank

This November, Atlanta DSA is putting forward a slate of Democratic Socialist candidates fighting for an Atlanta by and for the many, not the few. Join us for a weekly phonebank in support of our endorsed candidates Gabriel Sanchez and Devin Barrington-Ward! We'll be reaching out to volunteers and voters about our campaigns. Join us in person or on Zoom!


March in the Pride Parade!

Socialist State Weekly Phone Bank

Last year, Atlanta DSA joined labor unions and the Atlanta North-Georgia Labor Council to march in the Atlanta Pride Parade! It was so much fun that we're doing it again. Sign up HERE to march in the parade Sunday Oct. 13, and join us later on for some art builds and planning meetings. All are welcome - invite your coworkers and union siblings!


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few