It's not every day an opportunity like this comes along. We need you. Rebel against extinction.
Upgrade Democracy - 30th Aug to 1st Sep

Hello John,

From today, the first ?30,000 raised will be matched pound for pound. Oh yes, you read that right. Thanks to some incredible rebels, it's as simple as your ?25 becoming ?50 at no extra cost to you.

To see real change, we target the systems perpetuating greed, abusing power, and driving us towards extinction. United, we stand against:?

  • this planet burning and species becoming extinct
  • oily money and dirty power dictating our lives and the things we love
  • businesses corrupting our politics and democracy?

That's why Upgrade Democracy is critical! Let's hold truth to power.

The democratic system we're standing for is where...

  • corporate lobbyists can't influence our laws and oppress our right to protect Earth
  • the 1% only have 1% of the decision making power and profits can't be prioritised over Earth and our lives
  • action on climate is decided in a fair, collaborative and long-term way that delivers climate justice

Make your donation go twice as far and support this demand for urgent democratic reform.?Fund the movement to mobilise and take action.


Together, let's relentlessly rebel.?

Love and Rage,
XR UK Fundraising?

Upgrade Democracy on the Rebel Toolkit

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