What’s DDx? It’s an incredible tool that allows you to compliantly gain access to other campaigns’ data by sharing your data so we can all make the most out of the next 73 days.

What’s DDx? It’s an incredible tool that allows you to compliantly gain access to other campaigns’ data by sharing your data so we can all make the most out of the next 70 days. 

There are so many incredible organizations working to move our country forward, and this can mean many of us call, text, and knock on the doors of the same exact voters over and over again.

The Democratic Data Exchange (DDx) addresses these outreach duplication challenges.

During the 2022 cycle the Democratic Data Exchange was a huge asset I couldn't believe we had access to. 

Participating in the exchange gave our team the assurance that we were punching above our weight by contributing our niche data to the larger movement, AND the exchange gave us access to data points that our small but mighty team was able to use to beef up our canvassing program during the final stretch.

Honestly, it felt like we had found a secret sauce... but it shouldn’t be a secret! The Democratic Data Exchange is a must-use for organizations across the progressive ecosystem.

Sign up for our free DDX training tonight at 5:36-6:30 p.m ET!

During this session, we’ll hear from the experts at DDx about how they are facilitating real-time, blind exchange of voter contact data across the Left and how this can help your campaign or organization. 

This free one hour training is most applicable to people who are currently employed on campaigns, at PACs, or at civic engagement organizations who want to fine-tune their data strategy.

Hope to see you there!

Jess Weldon
Arena Training Director 

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