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Editor's Note:

As Americans grow restless under what many describe as a coronavirus police state, it is critical that our yearning to return to normal not cause us to forget China — the fog over the origin of the virus, the monopoly on drugs and medical equipment, and the never-ending pronouncements of its innocence in all things suspicious. The Chinese Foreign Ministry even tweeted Monday the laughable "China always stands against disinformation campaign. We are victim rather than producer of disinformation." As James Carafano explains, this is the perfect time to make important changes in how our country relates to the Communist Chinese and their subversiveness. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
April 29, 2020
3 Actions the US Should Take to Strengthen Its Standing and Hold China Accountable

Beijing’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak is the scandal of the century. Its unconscionable malfeasance launched a global plague, hobbled the international response, and crashed the world’s economy.

Many people were already fed up with how Beijing had bullied, lied, and cheated its way up the global food chain even before this outrage. Now, they’re downright angry and demanding some measure of payback.

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