Friend --

Since the FBI raqid on the home of former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter,? "Global Britain's" NATO warmongers are on a tear to silence all opposition to thermo-nuclear war. Shortly after the Ritter raid, the home of Russian-American commentator Dmitri Simes was raided, Syrian-British journalist Richard Medhurst was detained for 24 hours at London's Heathrow Airport, using a peculiar "anti-terror" law, and now the founder and CEO of Telegram has been arrested in France, apparently after refusing to turn over personal date to U.S. (and presumably UK) intelligence agencies.

Clearly we are headed for disaster.?

In another twist, which assuredly caused panic in the un - Democratic Party camp, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced the suspension of his candidacy to work with former President Donald Trump on ending the Ukraine proxy war with Russia, ending the censorship, and addressing the health crisis among American youth. For his part, President Trump told a wildly cheering Arizona crowd that, if elected, he will finally release the remaining files on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

This gives us a foot in the door, with a broad mobilization of the American people, to get ourselves off the trajectory to annihilation, which is the first step to establishing a new anti-colonial order among nations, including emphatically ending the genocide agasint the Palestinian people.? Join the discussion tonight at 8:30 pm.? There will be special guests.





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