Friend, I know I already reached out today, but this is urgent: Ted Cruz is airing an attack ad against me as we speak, and with polls showing us statistically tied, I need your help to fight back: Can you please chip in $5?
Look, we all knew that Ted Cruz would attack me and that he would use every trick in the book to try to stop our momentum. He knows that I have a record of working across the aisle to get things done for Texas families.
But in a race this close, responding to Cruz’s baseless attacks could be the difference between winning and losing.
That's why my team and I set a $100,000 daily fundraising goal to make sure we have the resources to combat Cruz's attacks and keep reaching millions of Texas voters. I'm counting on your grassroots support to make sure we close the $51,378 gap before midnight, so please:
Will you rush $5, $25, or whatever you can spare before midnight to make sure I have the resources to defeat Ted Cruz? In a race as competitive as this one, your support could literally be the difference between winning and losing. →
Please use the links in this email to start a weekly donation through ActBlue.
Thanks so much for your help,