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The Democrats Hide their Radical Agenda in the Flag
August 26, 2024
by Kristen A. Ullman, JD, President, Eagle Forum

If you happened to watch the Democratic National Convention last week with the volume off, you might have thought you were witnessing a GOP gathering.  American flags were everywhere. Many convention delegates were decked out in red, white, and blue, waving signs that read “USA.”  “FREEDOM” was projected in huge letters on the stage.  Protesters with signs calling for “Free Palestine” were conveniently kept outside the United Center and cameras inside avoided anyone who looked like they were dressed for the 2023 White House Pride Day event. Even a New York Times headline declared, “Democrats Show that Republicans Aren’t the Only Ones Who Can Wrap Themselves in the Flag.”

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Kristen A. Ullman, JD is the president of Eagle Forum. Kris served as Executive Director of Eagle Forum’s D.C. office from 1995-1998. She has served on the Eagle Forum Board of Directors since 2017.
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